Govt given 7-day ultimatum to fire Goodall, Nankhumwa

Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have given government seven days to fire ministers Goodall Gondwe and Kondwani Nankhumwa for their role in the K4 billion payout for rural development.

Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development, Goodall Gondwe, announced that government will disburse K40 million to each of the 193 constituencies but fell short of explaining properly the source of the funds.

The announcement followed pressure from the opposition to distribute the funds to all constituencies instead of 86 Members of Parliament (MPs) as earlier announced.

Speaking at the press briefing in Mzuzu, chairperson for Human Rights Defenders Forum, Timothy Mtambo demanded an explanation from President Peter Mutharika on the matter.

“We demand that the President addresses this country on how he approved such an illegal procedure,” Mtambo of Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) said.

He said if the government fails to adhere to their call they will hold nationwide demonstrations.

“We are tired of the Executive arrogance that they have always exerted,” Mtambo said.

The forum has also requested leader of opposition Dr Lazarus Chakwela to apologize to Malawians for acting hypocritical on the matter.

“The Leader of Opposition should address this country on how come that he was in Parliament and they approved the process and they came out and telling the nation that we are not going to share.”

Mtambo said the Leader of Opposition should tell Malawians on how they will halt the implementation of the ‘wrong process’.

“By saying we are not going to share it is like you are saying for others they can share but not us yet we know that it is a wrong process,” he said.

About Chimwemwe Mikwala

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