Govt, youth CSOs fight over Mzuzu Youth Centre relocation

A heated disagreement erupted between youth in Mzuzu city and officials from the ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture over the relocation of Mzuzu Youth Centre project.

The district office had called for a meeting after the youth group under the banner “ba bukilano ba msunda ba Mzuzu” expressed reservations over the project.

However, when the youth leaders availed themselves to the meeting, director of youth in the ministry Judith Msusa issued a disclaimer that the meeting’s agenda is not a response to the issue of relocation but rather an interface with the youth leaders on the project.

This did not please the leaders who objected and a disagreement ensued between the two groups.

Government said it wants to relocate the youth centre construction from Mzuzu to Dunduzu because the current sight is too small to accommodate all the facilities in the design.

This is the second time for government to change the construction site as initially it was supposed to be behind Katoto freedom ground where it gave the same reasons for the move.

The youth organizations have faulted government over lack of consultation with stake holders and accountability on the resources that have already been spent on the project.

The organizations also argue that the proposed site is very far for the majority of the youth.

Speaking on behalf of all the stakeholders, Centre for Youth and Development director James Gondwe alleged that government wants to give the place behind Toyota Malawi to a private investor hence the change.

Gondwe said if government will not show up on the proposed meeting on October 30, 2019 they are going to demonstrate or hold a sit in.

In its communication, the stakeholders which include Youth and Society, Youth Technical organization, Mzuzu Young Voices and Centre for Youth and Development have also demanded that the construction at the Mzuzu site should start as soon as possible utilizing the K500 million that was provided in the 2019-2020 annual budget.

About Chimwemwe Mikwala

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