CCJP for promotion of access to justice for persons with albinism

The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) says there is still a lot of work that needs to be done to ensure that duty bearers are guaranteeing access to justice for persons with albinism.

CCJP National Governance Coordinator George Chiusiwa made the remarks when asked about the progress of a project which the organisation is running which focuses on access to justice and health care for people living with albinism.

Chiusiwa said since its inception, there has been some positive change from both duty bearers and persons with albinism.

“Yes, we have seen an improvement we have also seen that persons with albinism can demand from local level duty bearers progress on cases which directly involve them but also access to the essential health needs they require,” he said.

“However, there are still gaps that need to be bridged from duty bearers such as having the necessary legal knowledge on how to handle persons with albinism when they need assistance.”

Chiusiwa said: “Despite law enforcement agencies being aware of the legislative laws that a stipulate access to justice and health care for persons with albinism what is needed now is that the law enforcement officers to access this information.”

He has since called for concerted effort from government and relevant stakeholders to ensure that there is access to such type of legal documents which will enhance change.

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