Mpatamanga project delay worries Parliament

The joint parliamentary committee on Natural Resources and Climate, Public Accounts, Legal Affairs, Trade and Industry committee has expressed worry over a slow pace at which the country is registering on construction of Mpatamanga Hydro Power Project.

The displeasure comes in as the project is yet to commence despite identification of investors in October last year.

Commenting on the progress, the joint Committee’s co-chairperson Simplex Chithyola Banda said in accordance with the recent power challenges, taking such long period to commence the project is leaving Malawians in dire straits.

“Our concern is that we would have loved if this was done by yesterday because we are witnesses that Malawi is suffering from perpetual blackouts and this can only be addressed if we have companies like Mpatamanga generating power now.

Looking at the time limits being given to us we think that there should be a way of fast-tracking these, so we are not satisfied because we want this to be done as soon as possible,” Chithyola Banda said.

In his response, Public Private Partnership Commission (PPPC) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Patrick Kabambe said the project has taken long because authorities are considering all necessary steps.

“It’s a very technical project so the engineers have to make sure that the design is agreed to the finest detail so all that is work that is technical and cannot be fast-tracked,” Kabambe said.

The project, which is valued at $1 billion, will involve construction of two mega dams and transmission lines among other activities.

When completed, the Project will add 350 megawatts to the national grid.

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