MP backs primary school dress code review

Member of Parliament for Zomba-Malosa Constituency Grace Kwelepeta says she is in full support of the review of school uniform policy saying it will help in dealing with issues around abscondment and withdrawal from school.

Kwelepeta made the remarks during a public forum on enhancing girls’ education through review of school uniform policy in Zomba, which is being implemented by Democracy International and funded by Parliamentary Support Program under United States Agency for International Agency (USAID).

The existing school uniform policy requires boys to wear a pair of shorts and shirts whilst girls are required to wear full dresses or Jim dresses with blouses which according to Kwelepeta is not suitable for harsh weather conditions as well as goes against some religious believes in her community.

The forum is advocating for government primary school to allow leaners wear trousers as part of school uniforms.

One of the participants during the policy review meeting, OXFAM’s Gender and Education officer, Twambie Kayuni said in their work with young girls’ they have observed that the current school uniform policy is indeed posing a number of challenges to most school going girls and the review is of necessity.

About Chimwemwe Mikwala

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