Treasury trims K609m from health budget

The Ministry of Finance has trimmed by almost half, the K1.4 billion which was allocated to Zomba district council’s health sector in the 2024/25 fiscal year.

Zomba District Council chairperson for health services committee, Councillor Brazio Chinthenga, revealed this on Thursday when presenting the committee’s report to the Full Council.

Chinthenga said the budget which now stands at around K791 million was among other things, supposed to support the rehabilitation exercise of 12 health centres in the district.

Member of Parliament for Zomba Malosa Grace Kwelepeta expressed dismay and described the situation as unfortunate.

Kwelepeta said the move also contradicts the Abuja declaration which advocates for a huge budget allocation to the health sector.

She argued that it is disappointing that government is trimming the budget a month into the 2024/2025 fiscal year, yet Parliament passed the budget without mentioning the need to trim some allocations.

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