Health workers vow to proceed with strike

There are fears that health services in the country will face massive disruption following a confirmation by nurses and midwives that they will proceed with their June 10, 2024 industrial strike in demand of the implementation of sector-specific allowances.

In a joint statement, National Organization of Nurses and Midwives in Malawi (NONM) and Physician Assistants Association of Malawi have expressed concerns that despite efforts and agreements made with the Malawi Human Rights Commission, the government has not provided a clear date for implementing health sector allowances.

On Friday, the Ministry of Health said it had already written the National Organisation of Nurses and Midwives of Malawi and Physician Assistants Union of Malawi responding to their warning letter of a sit-in.

But the ministry’s spokesperson, Adrian Chikumbe refused to make public the context of the ministry’s response saying it is up to the associations to do so.

He however warned that the country’s labour laws do not allow certain groups including the health workers to go on strike.

But speaking to YFM Friday morning, National Organization of Nurses and Midwives president, Shouts Simeza, said they have not received any response from government and their planned sit-in is still on.

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