DIMT graduates challenged to venture into entrepreneurship

Institute of Chartered Accountants in Malawi (ICAM) has asked graduates from Domasi Institute of Management and Technology (DIMT) to positively use the acquired skills and knowledge in order to help the country to achieve the Vision 2063.

ICAM director of technical and membership services, Charles Chimpeni made the call during the colleges’ second graduation ceremony which saw over 200 students being awarded diplomas in various programs.

Chimpeni said the graduates need to embrace change and maximize the acquired skills to create employment for themselves for the country’s benefit.

DIMT Principal, Alfred Gulani, said they expect the graduates to be pioneers of various entrepreneurial interventions towards attainment of the Malawi Vision 2063.

“As an institution we expect the students not to rely on white collar jobs but rather we encourage them to venture into entrepreneurship so that they can be independent and employ others,” he said.

Steria Solijali, who has graduated with a distinction, said she will give her best in the workforce and contribute positively to the country’s development.

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