Concerned private school teachers have organized vigils at the country’s state residences as one way of forcing government to respond to their demands.
Spokesperson for the teachers Lineus Mavuto Folokiya said government seems reluctant to respond to the teachers’ call to provide initiatives of cushioning the impacts of covid-19 on private school teachers.
The teachers are blaming government for what they call playing seek and hide, taking their concerns as useless and failure to prioritize their issue that dwelt within disaster.
Concerned teachers from both primary and secondary private schools said due to closure of schools as a measure of covid-19, they are starving, some have been evacuated from their homes hence the need to handle their matter with urgency.
“We will not stop holding the vigils until the government bail us out,” he said.
Meanwhile minister of education, science and technology Agnes NyaLonje said she will respond to the matter at an appropriate time.