Grace Jeke is a 53-year-old social worker, who begun working with Youth Net and Counselling (YONECO), a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)…
FARMSE aids single mother seeing light at the end of tunnel
Divorced more than 10 years ago, a 46-year old Ida Nguluwe from Chiyendamsanga Village, Traditional Authority Nthwalo in Mzimba District…
Village savings boost financial pathway for rural communities
Founded on January 7, 2019, Chigandaganda Village Club which trades as a Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) envisions to…
Community engagement key in conservation efforts
In the recent past, community members used to go encroach Lengwe National Park to burn charcoal and collect firewood for…
Goat pass-on for climate resilience-A case of Edina Basikolo
Local communities around wildlife protected areas are adapting to climate change through different approaches to mitigate its harmful effects demonstrated…
Have laws failed children?
When Parliament passed the Electronic Transaction and Cyber Security Act in 2016, hopes were high that the law would protect…
Economic empowerment – window for escaping GBV
By Sam Majamanda-Mana Fyness Gwirima, 27 (not her real name), describes her life before 2017 as a series of sorrowful…
Lost hope for vulnerable family
About six kilometers from Mangochi boma, you will find Masi Village in the area of Traditional Authority Chowe where a…
Story of a child misdiagnosed with cancer
Cancer is one of the most fatal and leading illnesses in the country. According to the National Cancer Strategy, the…
Is Malawi lenient on rape or defilement perpetrators?
By Joseph Chikalipo-Mana Countless awareness campaigns have been carried across the nation, the media has brought to light numerous cases,…
Providing access to groundwater to the Chongwe community: A pilot project in Zambia
COVID-19 has set new rules for us—regular handwashing, wearing of masks, and frequent sanitization. All these have become the ‘new…
Malawi spending millions on post-abortion care
The word abortion has several meanings but the one that qualifies them all is “the termination of the pregnancy before…